an old tradition or start a new one by harvesting that most visible
Christmas centerpiece at May-Lan Tree Plantation. Make it a
family outing where you spend as much time as you desire creating
treasured Holiday memories,
Enjoy nature’s Holiday gift by choosing from several varieties of trees
grown for your home or select a
pre-cut premium
Frasier fir. We’ll
provide the saw, help get that special tree from the field to our staging
area, shake it, bale it, deliver it to your vehicle, and tie it on. We’ll
even provide care instructions. By the way, ALL pre-cut trees are
maintained in water to insure freshness.

While we take care of your tree, you will want to select a beautiful fresh
wreath for your door, window, or both. There’s also garland and beautiful
handmade bows to accent with!
Christmas is a time to enjoy tasty treats, so put a taste of the South
in your
mouth! Treat your relatives, friends, neighbors, or someone you
just want to acknowledge, to delicious jellies, jams, preserves, ciders,
syrups, and much more. You HAVE TO treat yourself to our “Almost
Famous Carmel Apple Delight”-which is a whole apple sliced into
a bowl covered with hot caramel, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and
peanuts. Fork and plenty of napkins provided!
weekends, visit our “Taste Table”, where you will be able to sample a
number of the tasty items available in the General Store. There will also
be Hot Chocolate, cider, and who knows, we might even open a fresh can of
possum. There will usually be the opportunity to burn some marshmallows at
the ol’ fire pit (weather permitting).
course, be sure to bring the camera to record the fun you will have. That
and a smile-we’ll provide the rest.
However, please do not bring your pet. They may scare our
farm animals and/or other customers. Thank-you for your
SURE to check our Calendar for Special Events,
such as Santa Saturday.
We look forward to
seeing (you and your family) this season—Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!


When you make your trip to May-Lan this year
be sure to take advantage of our mailbox that speeds mail directly to either
The GREAT Pumpkin or Santa Claus- depending upon the season. And since
it is direct (and we have all these connections with these guys) NO
postage is needed. How cool is that!!!!!!
Feel free to send your
message as an individual, family, or group. This would be a great opportunity
to have a lesson which includes writing skills, English, and how to properly
write a letter. Math could be used in figuring postage, etc. Lots of
Remember- NO POSTAGE
needed!!!!! Just write it, drop it in the May-Lan Mail Box and off it will go.
(You will find our mailbox in front of The General Store.)
We look forward to
your visit!!!!!!!!