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"Sorry No Pets!"

Learn More

Following sites are sites you might want to visit to learn more about something which May-Lan Tree Plantation is involved or agriculture in general.  Organizations with which we are members will be denoted with a * placed by the name.

South Carolina Christmas Tree Association* -I information pertaining to the Christmas tree industry in our state, with local grower listing.
National Christmas Tree Association* - Information pertaining to the national Christmas tree industry.
Christmas Trees and More - great site for general Christmas tree information
North American Farmers Direct Marketing Association* - a great group who realized the importance of the family farm and is dedicated to  helping it survive through marketing directly to the public.


Pumpkin Masters - gives a ton of information on just about anything to do with pumpkins.
Growing Pumpkins - Good Luck
Pumpkins and More - from the same folks who brought you "Christmas Trees and More", only this time you get a ton of information about Pumpkins.




Fun on the Farm



May-Lan Tree Plantation
156 Cooley Bridge Road
Pelzer, SC  29669
(864) 243-3092
(864) 243-3065 (fax)
Store Hours: (Seasonal)

@ 2004 - 2010 May-Lan Tree Plantation
Developed and maintained by Spalding Computer Services
Last Update: 11/07/2014