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"Sorry No Pets!"



You can register your group to visit May-Lan Tree Plantation by one of the following methods.

First, you may call our farm. Be prepared to leave your name and a phone number where you can be reached, the name of the  group you represent, the total number of warm bodies expected (students, teachers, adults-EVERYBODY), total number of classes, and a preferred date. If no answer (which is probably what is going to happen), leave a name and phone number where you may be reached, to that delightful voice on the listening device.

Please speak clearly because, remember, you are talking to a man and we all know they do not always hear what is said, the way it is said. If your school has one of those new fangled automated answering systems (HEAVEN FORBID!), PLEASE leave the secret code or whatever it takes to speak to an actual human-being-----preferably you.

Second method is to fax a fully completed copy of the REGISTRATION CONTRACT (which you are going to have to at some time anyway) and we will call you as soon as possible!

To complete your registration, we must #1- talk directly to you, #2-have on file a fully completed registration form, and #3-sent you a confirmation sheet. When you receive your confirmation sheet, review it carefully and notify us immediately of any errors. That responsibility rests with YOU!

We can not hold dates. When you register, you are giving your word to be here on the date and at the time listed.  You are promising to read and abide by our rules and procedures which are for EVERYONE’S safety and enjoyment. You are also promising to be on time.


1.      We must have talked to you.

2.      We must have a completed reservation form on file.

3.      We must have sent you a confirmation sheet.

If you have any questions, please give us a call at 864-243-3092!!!

 We look forward to your visit!!!!!!!!   



When you make your trip to May-Lan this year be sure to take advantage of our mailbox that speeds mail directly to either The GREAT Pumpkin or Santa Claus- depending upon the season. And since it is direct (and we have all these connections with these guys) NO postage is needed. How cool is that!!!!!!

Feel free to send your message as an individual, family, or group. This would be a great opportunity to have a lesson which includes writing skills, English, and how to properly write a letter. Math could be used in figuring postage, etc. Lots of possibilities.

Remember- NO POSTAGE needed!!!!! Just write it, drop it in the May-Lan Mail Box and off it will go. (You will find our mailbox in front of The General Store.)

We look forward to your visit!!!!!!!!  

Barnyard Buddies | Calendar | Directions | Pumpkins Ideas | Tours

May-Lan Tree Plantation
156 Cooley Bridge Road
Pelzer, SC  29669
(864) 243-3092
Store Hours: (Seasonal)

@ 2004 - 2010 May-Lan Tree Plantation
Developed and maintained by Spalding Computer Services
Last Update: 11/07/2014